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Jude Suarez


Jude wants to show the world the magic of audio and visual synchronicity; the chills in the spines it bring with extra dark chocolate while dreams of a force field around his room that repels dust and heat and sticky-fingered toddlers.

As a stock market trader/analyst and executive assistant with more than 2 years of experience, he’s left his career to make a mark in the field of visual mixed media. He's been using his skills since the age of 7 when Corel was still famous for its Corel Move and Photo Paint. Since then, his talent for tweaking and creating visual-audio glucose has been of use in weddings, major school events, and corporate presentations which includes his work in high school of co-designing Starbucks Philippines' virtual menu during its first launch in the Philippine franchise until his recent projects with SM Lanang Premier in Davao City.

Not only is his passion with visual mixed media is to be taken note of. His architectural and design tastes also pushed him to be an expert with AutoCAD and Google SketchUp in his college years as he’s been a helping hand to his uncle’s construction firm as one of its draftsman, 3D renderer and graphics designer.

Jude’s design skills have also encompassed the information technology arena. He has recently co-developed a mobile application for the judging process of the competition for MODA Mindanao together with his cousin, Moises. Moises handles the skeleton or framework while Jude handles the visual placement and interface of the application. Both of them have incoming projects for mobile application development which are truly to be looked out for.

When he's not creating, you can find him whipping up a delicious soumen treat, running barefoot or answering the question "why" for the gazillionth-time.

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